So in short... I have been in quite a rut this summer...
But, through a series of what would seem to be absolutely happy random events, I may have found some of the direction that I have been searching for... And what makes this even greater is that I in no way believe in Random.
While I was in Dublin, I hosted a girl in my apartment for a weekend, while she was on her way back to Scotland. Her name was Eliza. We really and truly hit it off. That weekend was one of those events during my time in Ireland that God gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it. As it turns out, Eliza and her family live about 30 minutes from my family here in PA. We determined that we really had to hang out once we were both back home. So last week I went down to meet her again, and it was so great. We got to catch up and we both learned even more how much we have in common. It has been such an encouraging thing. So I got to meet her family and a girl that is living with them, Steph. Last week Steph and I only got to talk a little but we hung out a few days later and as God would have it, Steph and I also mesh super well AND she attends the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design.

In the past couple weeks I have gotten back into my painting and drawing and I am realizing more and more how much it is a part of me... and that I really might want to continue my art education. So I have been looking into the PA College of Art & Design and instead of the queezy gut feeling that I have always gotten from looking at admissions sites for colleges, I have actually been feeling like there is potential and possibility there for me. Now don't get me wrong, the whole idea of it still scares the crap out of me, but this time it is different. Better. Exciting and Encouraging.
So I am hoping that over the next few months I can really continue to dive back into my art and begin to rebuild a portfolio... It would be really great if I could actually get a job in the meantime to help support myself and afford at least some of the expensive supplies that are needed for all that I am wanting to create. I am thinking that I will work and paint and draw and try to go either in spring or next fall.
I am going out again later today to fill out even more applications... I hope that something will work... but even if it doesn't soon I do have my paints and pencils here to comfort me again. I had forgotten how wonderful and comforting creating a new painting or picture really is for me.
"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
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