Saturday, September 12, 2009

Over the Hill and Through the Woods!

So just a couple hours ago my mom told me that she and I need to leave tomorrow for Texas to give my Grandmommy a helping hand. She just got her knees replaced and needs help around the house and considering the fact that I am not really tied to much here in PA at the moment I happen to have the perfect opportunity to get to know my grandmother better.

My mom and I will be leaving around 7 tomorrow morning. My mom will come home on Monday and I am going to be down there as long as she needs me. I will be helping around the house and running errands and really just anything she might need. I will be taking my drawing things and my cowgirl boots... I am not sure if I will have internet access so I may not be able to post on my blog or on facebook... but that might just be what the doctor called for.

Please pray for safe travels and that my time down there would be a help and a blessing.

1 comment:

Amanda Jotzke said...

Your such a blessing to your grandmother. Miss you Kate! Come back soon!!