Saturday, March 21, 2009

Conservation of Mass-Energy

Conservation of Mass-Energy:

The total energy in a closed or isolated system is constant, no matter what happens. Another law stated that the mass in an isolated system is constant. When Einstein discovered the relationship E=mc2, in other words that mass was a manifestation of energy, the law was said to refer to the conservation of mass-energy, which says the total of both is retained, although some may change forms. The ultimate example of this is a nuclear explosion, where mass transforms into energy.

Fact: I just broke this particular Law of Physics.

I am so impressed with myself. If you had seen the massive piles of crap that I had to pack into 2 1/2 suitcases (the half being my carry-on) you would believe it. I am very happy that I can check the 2 larger ones... but I am still quite proud that I was actually able to get everything packed...

Tonight Peri and I are hosting a movie night... Since we work with a church we have churchy things on hand for nights like this. In this case, a projector. And the way our living room is arranged it's perfect for projecting a movie onto an entire wall for a night of cinematic adventure. We also can thank my dad for bringing a glorious amount of American Oreos for me when he came to visit. I will need to get some milk and maybe a few other snacky things for tonight but I am excited for the chance to share some Oreos with the friends I have made here. I hope it goes well as this will be kind of my last big thing before I leave Dublin and Ireland. I don't want it to be sad but goodbyes are never great.


a.k.satsangi said...

According to Einstein Theory of Relativity, E=mc^2. According to this relationship of Energy and Mass
1 kg mass of any matter is equivalent to 9 x 10^16 J of energy.

Does it mean that,

Mass of any matter is Condensed Form of Energy and Energy is Diffused Form of Mass of any matter ?

A question may also arise what existed before the creation of the Universe Energy or Mass or both?

A.K.Satsangi said...

It is written in the Text-Books of Physics that if we give ∆E energy to some matter, then according to E=mc^2, its mass will increase by ∆m, where


Since the value of c is very high, the increase in mass ∆m is very small. For example, if we heat a substance, then the heat-energy given to this substance will increase its mass. But this increase in mass is so small that we cannot measure it even by the most sensitive balance. Similarly, if we compress a spring, its mass will increase, but we cannot confirm this mass-increase by any experiment.

Now the question is whether the change in mass as quoted in these two examples is reversible i.e. when the same substance of example one is cooled down, energy is produced equal to ∆m x c^2 (∆E=∆m x c^2) and in second example when we release the spring , energy is produced equal to ∆m x c^2 and initial mass is retained in both the cases ? Or the above changes are irreversible ?