Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meet Peri, My Pyromaniac Roommate.

So there were plenty of candles in the apartment... including this homemade one that had seven wicks... SEVEN.

Peri worked her Caboose off to free the wicks from the melted wax and lit it for an evening of Lost...

It was like a lovely little fire... it gave quite a cozy atmosphere...

Peri was so proud...

But when the heat of it began messing with the ambiance and it appeared to be growing a bit out of control...

Peri tried... and failed to blow it out.

It was a bit frightening... so she got a little cup of water and...

THIS happened... Life Note taken. water, camera, face and self-sustaining flamethrower candles do not mix well...

It was awesome folks. The flame jumped about 2 feet in the air... Below I have a video... I didn't get the initial leap of flame but I did get some of the cool blue sparky things after...


peri said...

i'm so glad that you recorded this. there is nothing normal about our Lost nights even when we don't try.

Kate Kelly said...

=) I will remember this forever... I love Lost... and our attempts to live it here in Dublin... why stop at mangoes when you can have a campfire in your living room??