Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Creative Writing...

Last night I began a creative writing class in the Irish Writers Center, which happens to be only a few doors down from my apartment. Very convenient. I am going to be honest. I am super nervous. I like knowing, now, what I am getting myself into, but it is still very intimidating. The teacher is an American and there are several other Americans in my class of 18ish. Not what I had expected or really wished for but it is what it is and the class is already paid for. No turning back. I am very excited for this chance to exercise the squishy gray stuff inside my skull, and believe you me, it is going to quite the workout. I have several reading assignments as well as a writing assignment already and it involves a memory of our own (simple, right? wrong.)... I have a terrible memory and so, unavoidably, I am already going nuts.

So if you will excuse this super short post, I am going to go sift through my brain for a legit memory... I wish I could plug my external hard drive into my head... just kidding... I don't, really. But that doesn't mean I don't need to.

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