Sunday, February 8, 2009


I was sick again.
I recovered again.
I didn't get the sleep my body so craved, again.
And guess what?
I think I am sick... AGAIN.
Sometimes it just isn't fair that while you are recovering you are vulnerable for more sickness... I have spent most of my life dealing with allergies and colds... I really don't know what it is truly like to not have some sort of issue going on with my nose... but head colds and body colds... I suppose I should count it as a blessing that it can get worse than my usual sniffling and sneezing. If I didn't get miserably sick every now and again (ha! again...) then most of the time I would just feel plain miserable.

It is cold outside. It is icy and snowy and sleety... and all sorts of unnatural chills are just running amuck here in Dublin, preying on the unsuspecting residents and citizens. As I was leaving church I made a joke about starting some fires up here in my apartment, you know, for warmth... we don't exactly have any fireplaces... but where there is a will...

Thermal socks? check.
Big fluffy fleece blanket? check.
Flannel PJs? check.
Hot water bottles? check.
True Story: things could be worse. Thank you Jesus, for a cozy apartment and hot water bottles and tea... and flannel... and fleece...
hmmm tea, soup and Vitamin C. That's all good stuff right? oh, and a book... I need a good read. Any suggestions??

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